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Firmware problem

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the nxt brick is connected and recognized by lab view(2012 version), when trying to donwload the Firmware "LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Firmware V.1.31"


when trying to download the firmware the progress starts loads and the brick starts to tick (tic tic tic tic...) for ever until i stop the ticking with the nxt program.


thanks 🙂

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Message 1 of 5

Hi danikipod23,


Where did you get the version of the firmware you're loading to the brick? 


The ticking means that the brick is in firmware upload mode. If it just keeps ticking, without successfully loading the firmware, I've found two other forum posts that address this issue. Essentially, you'll need to do a full reset of your brick and make sure you're in firmware upload mode before trying to update the firmware again.


I hope this helps!

Emily C
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 5

Hi Emily-c,


the firmware was installed with the Labview 2012 version. 

I can stop the ticking by updating NXT's firmware but when trying to update Labviews firmware it will start tick again.


what do you mean firmware upload mode? as in if in the brick it self?


thank for the replay!

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Message 3 of 5

Hi danikipod23,


Could you please clarify which version of the firmware is being uploaded or updated? (for example, version 1.31) The firmware for the brick generally comes from Mindstorms and isn't specific to LabVIEW.


By firmware upload mode I mean that it is normal for the brick to tick while the firmware is being updated. This is the sound it makes during this process. If it continues to tick and the upload never ends, then the links in my previous post explain steps to take to resolve this issue.


Which version of the brick are you using? Is this an EV3?


Thank you,

Emily C
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 5
Accepted by topic author danikipod23



The firmeware is v1.31 yes and i got the Problem solved!


the problem was that Arduino was running on the computer causing the ticking. uninstalling arduino fixed the problem 🙂


Thanks anyway 🙂

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Message 5 of 5