LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Labview+arduino+DC motor


I'm trying to control a dc motor through Labview and arduino...the problem is that i find stepper moto and servomotor in the librairies but not dc motor what to do please

Message 1 of 20

In the functions palette  Arduino > Low Level there are PWM functions.  If the DC motor will only rotate in one direction then all you need is, these functions . If you need bidirectional rotation you will also need to use a digital pin to set the direction.


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 20

Thank you hrh1818 i was about bying a servomotor !! I'll appreciate more help about this topic at least how to start i'm new user of LabV...Could you please ??

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 20

You need to supply more information before I can provide additional guidance.

Who is the manufacturer and what is the DC motor's model number.

What Arduino shield will you be using to drive the DC motor.

Originally you said DC motor.  Now you say servomotor.  Do you mean a RC Servo?  

What is the application?  How will the DC motor be used?


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 20

ok here are the informations you asked

-I'm commanding a car and i'm using a motor for thepropulsion (moving forward and back ) and i think i will need a servomotor for the direction control

-the motor has nothing indicated on it !!

-i have arduino MDK because i want to command through android

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 20

Unless you have the Android communicating with LabVIEW, you can't use LIFA to do this.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 20

Plese provide a link tothe surce for the car. 

I don't see how you will gain anything by using Labview with your car , robot.  If you will be using either either an Android Phone or Ttablet to control your car then the preferred communication medium is Bluetooth. 


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 20

as i said i'm new with labview and arduino if i can't use them to do this project what do you suppose

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 20

the car it's not from a store i don't have anything about it..i'm just taking pieces of it and i'm making mine what's the problem about communicating with android (arduino MDK) is made to do it no ??? if u can't help me with that i hope u help me with a tutorial or a screen shot of a labview code that command a dc motor through arduino it will be nice from u...just give me an idea about how to do it i mean how to use those pwm function and thanks for your time

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 20

Sorry, I can not help you,   You haven't told me the make and model number of the DC motor yuou are using.  I need this information to determine the current and voltage rating of the motor.  Then based on current and voltage ratings I could recommend a motor shield to use with your Arduino Megs ADK and your DC motor.

The following information is not a recommendation. Howevr, the links can help you get started with your project

Here is a link to a typical motor shield.


Here is a link to some bacgroud information and a "How To" for the Adafruit Motor shield.


Here is a link to a clone of the Adafruit Motor shield.


The advatage of this clone is it is assembled.  Whereas you would need to assemble the Adafruit Motor Shield.  Adafruit Motor Shield clones are also available on Ebay at attractive prices. 


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Message 10 of 20