LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Arduino and Dallas DS1820 (one-wire)

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Can you please post an image of a complete VI with the Arduino Resources toghether with the VI that Sammy posted? I can not figure it out how the Case 1E is called in case I need a continuous temperature reading. ( I'm a real begginer in Labview, so my problem is to match the VI Sammy or Seth posted with the other Arduino blocks for a complete VI. However I already did some VI with the LM35, and they work perfectly) Thanks!

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Message 11 of 172

The code posted above is for LIFA  If you are not using then you would need to modify the LIFA firmware that you are using to include the one wire communication.

Generally, you would never need to worry about the "1E" unless you are actually editing the firmware (which is something you probably need to do to get it to work).

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Message 12 of 172

Now that you mentioned it I'm not sure which version of LIFA I'm using. I believed it was 2.0, but now i'm not sure. In the firmware I can see that the last updated was December 2011. Anyway what I need (if you can help me) is the block diagram of the VI that Sammy posted toghether with the minimum blocks of the arduino resource to make it work. To the VI that Sammy shared, I only added a while Loop, and the INIT and CLOSE blocks of the arduino, I succesfully modified the firmware of the LVIFA, adding the piece of code that seth shared. I wired a thermometer in the Readin °C line, but it doesnt work. At least if you can help me with a clue of what I should do to complete the VI in order to get the values from the arduino, that would be awesome!

Thanks in advanced for your time!

(Remember, i do not have connection problems whatsoever. I already implemented other examples with success using arduino and labview)

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 172

Your request for a VI that uses Sam's VI is trivial and it sounds like you have done every step that is required.  Can you post your LabVIEWInterface.pde and your VI?

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 172

Please post your LabVIEWInterface.pde as an attachment.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 172

The last time, when I modified the LVIFA firmware, the Arduino software changed the .pde file for a .ino file. I guess thats the new extension they use now. Anyway I attached the LabVIEWInterface.ino file as well as a copy of it in a .txt file, just in case. There was no problem in the compiling process.

What do you think about the VI I did? was it the right way?

Thanks Again!

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 172

I don't open .rar files.  Use a non-proprietary archive format like .zip.  However, you can just simply attach the .ino file alone.  The extension doesn't matter, they are both plain text files so you don't have to do anything with txt files.  I never edit Arduino files with the Arduino IDE anyways.

As for your VI, it looks like it should work fine but it would be better to use a subVI for readaiblity but I won't blame that on you since neither Sam nor Seth made their VIs as subVIs like they should have, IMO.

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 172

The .ino file.

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 172


The proble in my opinion stems from the fact that in LabviewInterface, case 0x1E is already being used for LCD Initialization. We must use another value to be tested: Like case 0x40 for example, and associate it to the onewire readings. Hope this helps.

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 172

Hi Patrik! thanks for the reply. You are right, case 1E is already in use. Actually I used FF instead of 1E, otherwise I can not compile the program. If you look a bit back on this thread I said that I used case FF instead of 1E, and I showed a picture of that.

Any other suggestion you have will be welcomed.

Have a nice day!

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Message 20 of 172