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LabVIEW Scripting Main Board

The BasicObjectFlags property is a private (not scripting) property, so it's not currently available in LV Scripting.

I have filed CAR# 174112 that we expose the Case Insensitive Match property as a scripting property.


0 Kudos
Message 21 of 171

Thank you both for your extremely timely responses!

How did normandinf get access to this? NI Employee? I am currently using 7.1 scripting with the ini key turned on instead of the new scripting API, so i doubt the CAR will backflow into 7.1. I'll have to upgrade to 8.6 soon.

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 171

You're right, that CAR fix, when and if it is implemented, will not be available in LabVIEW 7.1...or 8.6 or 2009, for that matter.

As for accessing private functionality, there is a hidden manner to do so, which I (as an NI employee) am not at liberty to discuss.


0 Kudos
Message 23 of 171

Yet another LV Scripting blog post:

LabVIEW Scripting Tip #3:  How to Handle References


0 Kudos
Message 24 of 171

I'm confused by Scripting vs Private... especially if I shouldn't be able to see the private ones. Is there a way to know apart from the Context Help window?

I see that this property is labeled as "Private: Yes; Requires scripting: yes". Aren't they mutually exclusive?

GCentral ChampionCLA
0 Kudos
Message 25 of 171

In LabVIEW 8.6, there is no visual indication of private vs. scripting.  The context help window is the only indicator.  In LabVIEW 2009, private properties/methods will have a different color (dark brown) than scripting (still light blue).  And they are not mutually exclusive...for properties/methods that are both private and scripting, you must not only have a scripting license enabled, but you must also have private functionality enabled.


P.S. - I'll also mention that scripting properties/methods only appear light blue if you have the scripting license installed (same with the brown color of private stuff in 2009).  Without these things enabled, *all* properties/methods appear as the standard default light yellow color.

0 Kudos
Message 26 of 171

I installed 8.6 and activated the scripting. The scripting related VI Server nodes are now light blue, but i still don't see the BasicObjectFlags property for the case structure object. I realize that Darren is not able to help with this.

I have seen code that we written previous to the release of the scripting API (7.1 scripting hack) with light blue nodes, such as the LAVA code capture tool. This makes me think that there is a way to turn on the private functionality in 7.1. If anyone who is not restricted by their employer can shed any light on this while LAVA is down it would be greatly appriciated.

Normandinf; was the code that you posted to access the BasicObjectFlags property of the case structure written in 7.1 or was it written with the new scripting API? There seems to be a difference between the two.

0 Kudos
Message 27 of 171

In LabVIEW 7.x there were two INI file keys that you could add. One was for the "scripting" and the other was for the private properties/methods. In 8.x scripting was additionally protected with the license manager while the private properties/methods remained to be protected with the INI file setting only.

Scripting in LabVIEW 8.x is not really different than 7.1 although it does evolve and nodes that returned a not implemented error in 7.1 suddenly work in 8.0 or 8.2. Also new classes and properties/methods get available in every new LabVIEW version, both in scripting as in regular VI Server topics. So while it naturaly evolves and LabVIEW 8.6 scripting VIs are highly unlikely to be back portable to 7.1 it is not a different scripting interface but simply an evolved one.

Rolf Kalbermatter

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
0 Kudos
Message 28 of 171

Thank you for the information, Rolf! LAVA is still down so I can't look up the keys that are needed to activate scripting/private functionality. Would anyone be willing to send me a private mesage containing this information, or to post it on this board if that is allowed.

0 Kudos
Message 29 of 171

We (that is, NI) would prefer that details about enabling private LabVIEW functionality not be discussed in this thread.


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Message 30 of 171