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usb 6002 device is recognized by ni max but not by ni device monitor

I'm trying to install usb6002 on a new pc.

The device is recognized by NI-MAX and self test completes successfully. However, it is not recognized by NI Device monitor (tried to unplug and replug).

It is recognized the NI Device monitor  on another pc.

What can be the issue here?

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

Hi feldy2,


Is the Device Monitor just not recognizing it or is this Device Monitor not running? If the Device Monitor isn’t running, you can find it here:


C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\NI Device Monitor


Launch the DeviceMonitor.exe and try again.


You said that you can run a successful self test on the device in MAX, is not having it in the Device Monitor holding you up from anything?  

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

(I'm the original writer of this post, mistakenly oppened the post with another user account).

Hi Matt,
Thank you for your reply. 
The device montitor *is* running, but not recognizing usb6002. It just says "No NI Devices detected". The issue must be with the installation on this specific pc, as in another pc it works fine (i.e when I plug it in, a window of "Device Detected" popps up by NI Device Monitor. It doesn't happen on my pc).

If it holding me? It seems so. The device it not recognize by my labview application either (I don't have labview installed on this pc, only runtime environment).

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

Hi feidy,


Something we can try is to make sure the NI Device Loader is running. If it is, stop it and restart it.


What version of the LabVIEW run-time engine are you using and what version of DAQmx do you have?


When you run your application what kind of error are you encountering? A screen shot would helpful if you could provide one.

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Message 4 of 8

I followed the instructions in the link you gave, but it didn't reslove the issue.
I'm using LabVIEW Runtime 2015 f3 (64bit), and NI-DAQmx MAX configuration 15.0.1

As I explained above, there is no error that I'm getting, so I can't send you a screen shot.

The issue is that the usb6002 is not recognize inside my labview application, so no output is sent by it, and no input recieved. When I started checking why, I saw that the device is recongnized by  NI MAX, and self-test works fine there, but it is not recognized by NI device monitor.

When I plug this device to another pc it works fine and recognized by both NI MAX AND NI device monitor, which leads me to suspect that something in the installation wasn't done correctly.


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Message 5 of 8

I installed full environment of labview, including DAQmx for full environment (trial version, for 45 days) and the device now works properly.

It is still not recognized by NI device monitor, but is working fine. Hopefully it will still work even after the evaluation mode expires.

Thank you for your help!

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Message 6 of 8

Excellent, I’m glad it’s working! Like you said, it sounds like something got lost during the install.

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Message 7 of 8



NI USB 6002  is not supported for NI DAQ 2015 version in that Link. Interesting that if you look at read me file of this DAQ version also you will USB 6002 is supported.


So just downgrade your NI DAQ driver version to NI DAQ 14.  



Tolgahan ŞUSUR
Applications Engineer
NI Arabia Branch
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Message 8 of 8