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iris recognition

Hi all,
I really very stress over this mini project that i have to complete in 3 weeks time. I'm pretty new to Labview and now i have to do a project on iris (pupil) recognition using Labview 8.0. Can anyone help in giving some information and any demo available for me to review and referrence? Really appreciate for any opinions and help.... Looking forward from any i really need help on this...Plzz..... plz... Pls help me....
Thank you so much!!!
Best Regards,
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 18
Stresss, do a search of the forums for 'iris'. There are some other people who have worked on this although I'm not sure how far they got.

Also, you should probably post in the Machine Vision forum as that specifically deals with interpreting captured images.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 18

Hi Stresss,

Thank you for contacting National Instruments.  You can definitely do this with LabVIEW and the Vision Development Module.  I would use the Vision assistant to design a script where you can extract the iris or pupil first and then look for the characteristics that will help you to identify the eye.  The vision assistant can then migrate the script to LabVIEW where you can do some more advanced analysis.  Here are two disucssion threads where people were asking a similar question:

extracting the pupil and iris

iris - identfy person by it's eye

Here is a link to a tutorial on some of the concepts that you can accomplish with the Vision Assistant:

Image Analysis and Processing

I hope this helps.

Mark T
National Instruments

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Message 3 of 18
Really thank you so much for the replies... really appreciate it.. Actually, i don't intend to built the hardware... mean that i just willdesign the software part.... lik i store an iris image in the library,and load another 2 iris image which 1 of them is the sam,and the other 1 is different... i just wan the system to differentiate whether is match or mismatch... Can labview do this function?? or i should use Matlab script to do the comparison?? If using matlab coding,i know there r many type of recognition i quite confused on which to go... So does labview itself can perform the function??  On top of that,i find that IMAQ vision for labview can view image and handle image function...but why my labview version 8.0 dun have this function? Is this an extra function that i need to download? Do i need any external plug in for this?
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 18

To use the IMAQ Vision functions you will need the Vision Development Module.  This includes the IMAQ Vision Functions that you can use in LabVIEW as well as the Vision Assistant.  Do you already have any IMAQ software on your development computer?

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Message 5 of 18


Nope...i don't have any... I only have the labview version 8.0.  Should i download? or where can i get from ?? can i just use this IMAQ to do the recognition instead of external Matlab script?

Thank q so much for the reply!!

Best Regards,


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Message 6 of 18

The IMAQ driver will only allow you to acquire, display, and save images from your camera.  It will not allow you to use our image analysis VI's that are discussed on the tutorial and links I have already posted.  To perform these vision functions you will have to purchase the Vision Development Module.  For purchasing prices you can contact one of our sales representatives to find out.  There is a M Script node you can use in LabVIEW to run your M files.  You can try to copy "your" written code into one of the M scripts.  Keep in mind the M script functions built into LabVIEW maybe different then other 3rd party software applications.  I hope this helps.

Thanks and have a great day.

Mark T
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 18

Hi Mark,

Really thank q so much for ur reply.... and how long it take to perform these vision functions by using the the Vision Development Module? the detail of the product i need to ask from the sale representative right??

Best regards,


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Message 8 of 18

Hi Mark,

I've done a simple circuit by using NI Vision Assistant to do the iris recognition(based on region of interest which is the diameter of the pupils)....but it seems lik it doesn't work... Can you help me to check whether which part of the parameter or unit i set wrongly?? Really sorry to trouble you...but i really need help in this... Really appreciate for your help and advise.... I've attach the VI and some image used... Pls help me...Thank q so much.....

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Message 9 of 18

It seems like you are on the right track if you are just wanting to compare the diameters of pupils.  In the VI that was created there are two arrays of clusters called "Circles" and "Circles 2".  Each element of the array is a cluster of information about all the circles found in your ROI.  They will each find 2 circles the iris and the pupil in each array.  You can then use the "Circles" array and determine which element corresponds to the pupil and unbundle it to bring out the radius.  You can then compare this radius to the next circle "Circle 2".  If they are exact, or maybe within some kind of threshold you can set a true or false boolean button to show they are the same.  You might also play around with the filtering of the image some more to get more clear and crisp edges of the eyes.

Mark T
National Instruments
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Message 10 of 18