Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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error 1073807302 while connecting a third party USB device,and showing invalid setup

While connecting a third party USB device,In NI MAX it is showing error 1073807302,Unable to start operation because setup is invalid,and error 1073807246 Object Reference is Uninitialized,in the USB settings Tab it is showing no pipe present in Bulk in pipe and in VIEW ATTRIBUTE Tab it is showing invalid property....

please kindly reply me.....!!!

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Message 1 of 10

am waiting for the reply....please kindly anybody reply me .......

i dont know what properties wants to be set,to send and receive data in visa using usb raw......

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10
What is the device? Did you use the VISA Wizard? That is often a mistake and unless you have received details on the low level protocol from the vendor, difficult to implement. The wizard overwrites any driver that the vendor supplies.
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Message 3 of 10

sir,my device is "USB HART modem",and i have installed drivers using VISA driver Wizard only.

I can use 'visa write' without any error but in case of 'visa read' it is showing error always.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10
Why would you use the VISA Wizard? That is just wrong. Use the driver that came with the modem and then use the VISA Write and Read. It should appear as a com port.
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Message 5 of 10

sir,without configuring in NI-MAX how can we open a connection to VISA.

If i install the device driver provided by supplier,i am not able to view my device in NI-MAX,so that, I had created and installed .inf file for my device using VISA driver wizard, In NI-MAX now I can see my device and its properties in visa interactive control.But it was showing some errors(Error-1073676418,error-1073807302,error-1073807298),in the USB settings Tab it is showing, "No pipe present in Bulk In-pipe", and in VIEW ATTRIBUTE Tab it is showing invalid property.In program it is showing error 1073807302,Unable to start operation because setup is invalid,and error 1073807246 Object Reference is Uninitialized,

While Searching in, some one posted that change the USB Alternate settings to 1/2/3,default value is 0,but now also my problem is not solved.
I am using VIATOR USB HART modem, Model 010031.
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10
With the vendor's software, doesn't it appear as a com port?

For USB RAW you have to get details on the low level protocol from the vendor before you even consider using the wizard. Better to use their driver. Even if it does not appear in MAX, you can still use it in LabVIEW.
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Message 7 of 10
A quick check of the viator web site says that their devices supports as a virtual serial port do that is how it should appear in MAX. You need to undo everything you did.
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10

Sir u had said me this ...  For USB RAW you have to get details on the low level protocol from the vendor before you even consider using the wizard. Better to use their driver. Even if it does not appear in MAX, you can still use it in LabVIEW.


How to Use any device in LabVIEW without configuring in NI-MAX, Please tell me how  it possible.


Sir i am having vendor id,product id,model no,serial no. like these details with me.

without any error i can  create ".inf" file and installed it successfully,But i dont know how to use visa read (if using USB device).

if you have any idea in using normal USB raw device,please say me how to configure its properties in LabVIEW.

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Message 9 of 10
You are wasting your time. Use the driver from the vendor. If it does not appear as a com port, then you need to contact the vendor to see what is wrong with your installation.
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Message 10 of 10