Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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agilent 34972a visa clr error

Do you have any idea what is wrong with the NI drivers so they can be adjusted?

greetings from the Netherlands
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Message 11 of 15

Unfortunetelly I dont know. In Initialization block, there was no error with opening the device, but there was with clearing, when the adress was not with "SOCKET". When there was, there was no problem writing in the device, but there was timeout reading, even if he retuned the answer in MAX.

Im a (of courseSmiley Wink) begginner in Labview but I can give you my two shots.

Thirst is that in MAX, when you ask the device for "*IDN?" you want to have back 55 bytes of data and only then, there is no error. In Initialization block, you can write the amount of bytes for block Read and it is default 100. I tryed to write down 55 and the timeout error showed up. Ones I forgot to do it and with 0 bytes, it shows no error. Something is wrong here maybe.

Second shot is that when I installed Agilent software, they asked me if I want to use they VISA as the secondary, or the primary VISA on labview. I had to choose secondary, to make it work. When downloading driver from NI site, I didnt install anything, so maybe there is a VISA conflict there.


0 Kudos
Message 12 of 15



I am experiencing the same problem that happened to you. I receive the time out error any time I Read/Write to the unit, in both the Agilent IO and the NI Max. You stated that you fixed it with installing the correct drivers. My driver is up to date but I am still getting the error. Suggestions? I am connection via LAN and the  connection test is good.



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Message 13 of 15

I understand that it is an old forum, but I also faced the same issue with tektronix instrument while communicating over TCPIP socket. The MAX gives correct answer to the default querry string with 45 character when read. But when I try to clear VISA and/or to read it gives error. for second case it gave timeout error. Though VISA open and Visa write don't give error. I'm using the same name of VISA resource as used by NI MAX. Please provide a sloution if possible.

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Message 14 of 15

An update:

the clear error is removed by using property node for IO protocol

and timeout error of read is removed by adding terminal character while sending write command, but if I dont want to use terminal character, please suggest some way. Though I have tried all available methods with property node.

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Message 15 of 15