Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Max unable to detect my HP 33120a function generator



I am working on a system which setup by someone else who is no more acessible. It worked pretty well until some day, it gave me some "time out" error message. I spent a lot of time trouble shooting, and finally found out that the code stalls at the point that it called the function generator to create waveform. I check the code, there is a resource name: GIPBS::5:INSTR. But when I tried to found it in the MAX, I did not see it. Attached is the screen shot of the MAX.


I tested the function generator with an ocsilloscope, and it works. Any idea how I may solve the problem? or even a suggestion what I should trouble shoot next will be appreciate.


Thanks ahead.  

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Message 1 of 8
Don't you know how to create screen shot in Windows? 🙂

First, check the instrument to see if GPIB is enabled. This will be explained in the manual. Once it's enabled, right click on the listing of the controller and select 'Scan for Instruments'. If the interface is enabled and you still cannot detect it, check the cable connections or try a different one.
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Message 2 of 8


Thank you very much!



There is nothing about enabling the GPIB. But there is a section talks about enable the sync signal, which has been being used. The manual says that it can be only enable or disable through remote interface. Since I have never modified any VI in the code, I don't think that is a problem. 


As for the cable, we have ordered another one; and after replacing the old one with the new one, there is no change.


BTW, in the device manager in the windows, I can see th GPIB status is good. Is it possible it is something related to the setting of the driver of the function generator?

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Message 3 of 8
I don't know what manual you are looking at but there is certainly a mode for selecting gpib or rs-232. Look on page 32 of the user manual.

The status of the gpib controller is irrelevant and the driver for the function generator is also irrelevant.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

Thank you for  you quick reply.


I have checked the mode. It is on HPIB. I then used the scan for instrument and it showed that instrument is not found.


I found a link very similar to my question:


I follwed the steps in the above link. When I tried interactive control, an error message came out. It says the item could not be open and I need to reinstall NI488-2. So I did reinstalled NI488-2. But nothing changed.


BTW, in the MAX, sometimes I can see the GPIB icons, sometimes I could not. Is it something wrong with the MAX? 

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8
You should have mentioned the intermittent problem at the beginning. It could be a problem with the installation of the drivers, of MAX, or controller itself. What versions of the drivers do you have installed and on what os? The -B version of the controller could also be a source of the problem.
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Message 6 of 8

Sorry for the late reply. I did not get acess to the equipment in the break.


Here are the information



NI488-2 (version 3.1.2)

NIMAX (version 5.6)

HP 33120a (Class specification version 3.00)

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8
What version of VISA? What os?

You can try the latest NI-488 at
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Message 8 of 8