Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Espec SU-240 codes

I'm developing a test system that includes setting and monitoring temperature of ESPEC SU-240 temperature chamber. Does anyone knows the remote command codes for this chamber model (internet link is ok). Have anyone done the same kind of test system? Im having a hard time to find the commands. Command list is very much appreciated.  Thanks.
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Message 1 of 9
Hello Rolands,
       Have you attempted to contact the manufacturer?  I googled it for you and found that your model is no longer in production.  Here is a page that lists the old models and their replacements.  Your model is towards the bottom of the page.  It also looks like they have LabVIEW drivers available for some of your instruments.  We have the link to them on IDNet.  Let us know how it goes.

Good luck,

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9



Did you have any luck with the Espec drivers?  I am using Labview for a temp/voltage setup.  I found some labview drivers for the Espec chamber, but they were Labview ver. 4.XX and I have ver. 8.6 (it said it was incompatible).  Any advise?  As it sits it seems I will just have to write my own driver for Labview.

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Message 3 of 9



Thank you for your post.  There are unfortunately no Espec drivers on the National Instruments Instrument Driver Network.  You will have to become very familiar with your instrument to know which commands it recognizes.  Once you do this, creating your own driver using LabVIEW is possible.  Have a great day!




Todd V. 

National Instruments
Applications Engineer
NI Prototyping Community
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Message 4 of 9



the labview version 8.6 cannot load those drivers but labview 7 (as far as I remember) can.

The driver is not incompatible but just too old to load in 8.6

If you post the driver (in a zip) I can update it to 8.6 for you.

greetings from the Netherlands
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Message 5 of 9



I am using ESPEC LHU-112M. I downloaded the driver  from the manufacturer, but I can not open it because it is for old version LV.



Could anyone tell me what is its GPIB command to set temp, humidity, and read those parameters, read and set address, etc.?



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Message 6 of 9
Here is the downloaed driver. Anyone can open it?
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9
Here it is as LabVIEW 7.1.
Message 8 of 9

Sorry to bring up an old post but here is the programming and user manual for the SU-220, SU-240, SH-220, and SH-240 Espec models.

Message 9 of 9