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Version issue with ControlLogix - cRIO link (implicit messaging), "(Code 16#0315) Connection Request Error: Invalid segment type"

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I developed and shipped a system to Germany several years ago.  It worked then.  But the cRIO was damaged and replaced with a newer model, and doesn't work now.  I suspect (and NI Tech Support agreed) it is a software version issue, which could be solved with NI-MAX software installer.  But I don't have access to the system myself, and correspondence is slow and tedious.


The original system was a cRIO-9073, developed with LabView 2009.  It used implicit messaging.  The Instance ID, sizes, IP addresses, etc. all worked great.


The current system is a cRIO-9074, with LabView Runtime 14.0 (I assume LV 2014), Scan Engine 4.3, NI-Industrial Communications for Ethernet/IP 14.0.0, etc.  The FPGA and CPU programs are loaded and appear to work in the cRIO.  The 'EthernetIP Set Assembly Instance' returns no error.  But the PLC simply reports "(Code 16#0315) Connection Request Error:  Invalid segment type".  We've double-checked the IP (the error was different), sizes, and Instance #s.


The PLC has not be modified at all.


Does anyone know if there is any compatibility issue with LV-2014 and Ethernet/IP 14.0.0?  Or if there are any other packages required?


I'm including the NI-Max reports.

CLD, CPI; User since rev 8.6.
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

I have found reference to a mutli-cast/uni-cast issue.  Does the cRIO require an additional package to handle multi-cast ethernet?


I'm afraid I don't have a cRIO rack that I could experiment with.  So I can't even check the list of software options for NI-MAX to download into it.



CLD, CPI; User since rev 8.6.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

According to below knowledge base-"NI-Industrial Communications for EtherNet/IP and LabVIEW Version Compatibility"


we can know that there is no compatibility issue with LV-2014 and Ethernet/IP 14.0.0.


And I think cRIO does not require an additional package to handle multi-cast ethernet.


Later I will set up the environment and investigate it more about the PLC error.





0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

I tried LV-2014 and Ethernet/IP14.0 and there is no problem communicating. I believe this must also have been verified before release.

There must be something missing here to see this error.


During the upgrading, did you format the cRIO device to install the new driver?

Have you tried having the new 9074 back to use the old LV-2009 driver?




0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

Hi ZX81,


Can you get a copy of the wireshark capture file of their EIP communication? 

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

The new system is on a brand-new cRIO rack (NI-9074).  The original was an NI-9073. 


No, I don't believe they have any way to load LabView-2009 onto the new rack.  But I'll check if that is an option.


By the way, I had checked the compatibility matrix to see that LV-2014 and IndCom 14 are compatible.  But it didn't go into all the various packages loaded on the cRIO.  I've seen a few cases where the CPU gets loaded to 100% (not in this case), and packages just stop working or work intermittently.  I was hoping someone had experienced and fixed this before.

CLD, CPI; User since rev 8.6.
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

Re: wireshark


I'll see if that's an option.  This customer has very tight security rules, so WireShark may not be allowed.

CLD, CPI; User since rev 8.6.
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8
Accepted by topic author ZX81

Hi ZX81


In order to get you 2009 application to work with the new cRIO, you need to deploy it to the device. In order to be able to deploy the cRIO, you need to make sure it has the same software versions you used with the old cRIO.


You can format the cRIO from NI MAX and deploy the application from LV 2009. However, if you do not have access to the cRIO or your customer does not have the required software, you could deploy the applicaiton in another cRIO with the corresponding software (cRIO same model and same modules as your customer) and create an image from it and send it to your customer so he can deploy the cRIO even without the software in his computer. The next document explains how to do this. 


RAD Utility



Message 8 of 8