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Basic Profibus Help Needed

I've been tasked with establishing some communication between a spectrometer (interfaced with by a laptop) and a process skid on a Profibus network to have data such as concentration/total mass/etc. appear on it's hmi. Ive had success in writing a program in C# that mapped this data to analog signals via an NI 6009 and the nidaqmx api to communicate with other skids but am at a loss when it comes to serial communication, how would this connection be established? Could I similarly map the data using some digital i/o device an/or Profibus interface module? I apologize, I'm completely new to this sort of thing, and any sort of Product/Resource recommendation would be much appreciated.

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Hi mbatc,


What devices are you trying to communicate with?  Are you looking to communicate using a compactRIO or PXI/PCI device for your PROFIBUS communication?  Are you looking to communicate in LabVIEW or a different programming language?  In terms of LabVIEW, we have our cRIO PROFIBUS module, and was also have PXI/PCI format.  We also have examples available to help guide you with using the PROFIBUS modules.  I encourage you to take a look at the examples we include with the cRIO PROFIBUS driver.  Additionally, please take a look at the getting started material we have available for PROFIBUS.  Let me know if you have any questions!



Matt S.
Industrial Communications Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
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