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61850-9-2LE Getting started

I am looking into a project that will require implementing 61850-9-2LE on a sbRIO.


Can anyone recomend how I can get started with 61850-9-2LE ?


Or any drivers that I can start with?



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 1 of 11

@Ben wrote:

I am looking into a project that will require implementing 61850-9-2LE on a sbRIO.


Can anyone recomend how I can get started with 61850-9-2LE ?


Or any drivers that I can start with?



I have been told that 61850-9-2 is not supported on sbRIO.


Is that true?



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 2 of 11

Hi Ben,


I did some preliminary searching and found that we sell an IEC 61850 LabVIEW Driver that may work for your communication needs. However, I'm uncertain if it encompasses 61850-9-2. This driver does work on NI real-time controllers including sbRIO. 


If you'd like to do more searching, I found the manual for the NI-Industrial Communication for IEC 61850. I haven't found if it lists the specific one you mentioned, so you may have to search more. 




Zoe B.

Account Manager - Pacific Northwest
Message 3 of 11

Thanks for the reply Zoe!


I am invetigating developing a product that exposes some acquired signals via 61850-9-2LE that... if I can get it runnnig... and I can get it syncronized vai PPS to near 1 usec... on a sbRIO... both NI and my company have potetial cost effective alternative to other things on the market.


You would not be some chance be able to connect me with a resource that knows 61850-9-2 and or 61850-9-2LE (which I belive is the same as the non-LE version except time syncronizied)?


Trying to crack a nut...





Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 4 of 11

Hi Ben,


The Conformance Test documents will probably be of interest regarding 61850-9-2.


The v15.0 readme states SMV (sampled measured value) VIs are supported on: "NI cRIO-906x and NI cRIO-903x"

This probably means they are not supported on sbRIO. This KB also implicitly leans that way as well. I'll reach out to an internal resource for confirmation (he might post here... his handle contains 'lions').

Andrew T.
"His job is to shed light, and not to master" - Robert Hunter
Message 5 of 11

Thank you Andrew!


More reading for me!




I may have found them based on your hint and the nature of posts by them. I only have to go through about 90 or so posts.



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 6 of 11


The SMV function of IEC 61850 15.0 toolkit don't support sbRIO.just can support cRIO-906x and cRIO-903x. You can find the information on Readme. And even if the the SMV function of IEC 61850 15.0 toolkit can be installed on sbRIO, we cannot ensure the performance of it.



Message 7 of 11

@ThreeLions wrote:


The SMV function of IEC 61850 15.0 toolkit don't support sbRIO.just can support cRIO-906x and cRIO-903x. You can find the information on Readme. And even if the the SMV function of IEC 61850 15.0 toolkit can be installed on sbRIO, we cannot ensure the performance of it.



That last bit has me asking exactly what is meant. is there an issue with implementation that affects the ability to deterministically transmit the SMV packets?


Say I had a timed loop that did nothing but invoke a VI from the tool-kit to send out a message. Can something that basic push updates onto the wire regularly?


Your message has me thinking what I am going to have to do to certify this stuff.


I have developed code to integrate an Absolute Analysis Investigator



with PXI-RT application to certify 3rd party hardware and measure latency and such. I would have to rent one of those and ... to verify my sbRIO was doing what I thought!


On the surface, the news that thee is a 61850 package available makes it sound do-able. But quoting Ross Perot "The devil is the details."


Can you comment on my question about the timed loop and doing nothing but send packets?


Thank you,



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 8 of 11

Hi Ben,


Usually when we can't ensure the performance of a toolkit/driver/software etc. with our devices, it means we haven't explicitly tested that compatibility, and therefore we cannot tell you with certainty that all of the functionality that is available on "supported" devices will work. In this case, it seems that ThreeLions is indicating that there is a chance it could work - since it works with our cRIO platform - but since it hasn't been directly tested by our R&D department prior to release, any odd bugs that may come up wouldn't be addressed anywhere in documentation.


I am not sure if I have the experience to comment confidently on the sending of packets within a loop using this protocol. Perhaps ThreeLions has more insight? My apologies. 




Zoe B.




Account Manager - Pacific Northwest
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Message 9 of 11

Hi Ben,


Zoe B. is right. For SMV, based on the efforts of development and market strategy, we just declare supporting cRIO-903x and cRIO-906x. However, actually, the capacity of sbRIO-9607,9627,9637 and 9651 are similar with cRIO-906x. I don't think there will be obvious difference between them for running SMV.


Could you please share your code or specific request to me?



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Message 10 of 11