High-Speed Digitizers

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multi fetch error [Error Code 1074126845] when using NI PCI 5122 high speed digitizer

Dear all,

We are using NI PCI 5122 high speed digitizer and error occurring in multifetch cluster .vi (Error code -1074126845). After Initialization and configuration we are using the edge trigger vi.Then we are using initiate acquisition vi. Till this there is no error. But after this we  are using 1D multi fetch cluster.vi and here error is occurring. Error  code-1074126845. So we are not getting any waveform which is the output of  multi fetch cluster.vi.
Please support us to remove the error.



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Typically if you post the error message as well, it is easier to help and figure out what the problem is.  This error code's message is: "Maximum time exceeded before the operation completed."


Basically this message means that the acquisistion did not complete before the specified timeout, which you have at 5sec.  This most often occurs because a trigger is configured and it is never detected.  For example, you have an analog edge reference trigger, if you don't actually drive the signal, no edge will be detected.  


One quick test you can do is change the configure trigger VI to "Immediate", and the error should go away.  Ensure that the signal is being acquired correctly and that the levels are what you expect, and then ensure the trigger settings are correct.


I hope this helps,


Systems Engineer
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