High-Speed Digitizers

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How to simulate testing of PCI 5114 high speed digitizer

I want to use PCI 5114 board and want to interface it with LABVIEW 6.0 using  NISCOPE VIs. I am a beginner to NISCOPE digitizer. I want to test my small application made for 5114. I don't have 5114 at present. Kindly tell me how can I simulate this boards and its input and Ext trigger.

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Message 1 of 7

Depending on the version of the NI-SCOPE driver, there are two methods for creating a simulated device.  The instructions for both are located here:



Please note that when simulating a device, the analog input is simply a simulated sine wave.  External triggering will not work since there is no physical system for connecting it.  Since the input signal is simulated, you can do Analog Edge triggering which will allow the simulated device to trigger from the simulated signal.


I hope this helps!




Systems Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Thanks Mr. Nathan.

I could do as you had suggested. Even it was working with simple initialize VI i.e without using Initialize Vi with options.

One more add-on query. Is it possible to fix the frequency of the simulated input sine wave? Or when I acquire on channel 0, which is assumed to be getting simulated signal, can changing the trigger level make any difference in the acquired waveform shape?


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Message 3 of 7

There are no options or settings for configuring the simulated signal.  The simulated signal will always be 10 cycles of a Sine wave on CH0 (square wave on CH1), with your given acquisition rate.  And the amplitude will match your vertical range/gain settings.  


When using a trigger, it should show the data triggering at the level you specify, which with the default settings will be at time zero.

Systems Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Thanks Mr. Nathan.

My previous two posts were for me to understand how to check an application I had developed in LabView. As digitizer card is not with me at present so still some doubts are there. Let me specify in brief what I want and how I am achieving.
A repeated pulse signal of given duration (10 microseconds) at channel 0 is to be acquired. Repetition rate is decided by the trigger pulse available at Ext. Trigger. More clearly when ever trigger pulse (approx. Every 100 microsecond)) appears I have to acquire Channel 0 signal for 10 microseconds. Sampling rate is 100 Mega Samples per second.
I have used following blocks in given sequence: Initialize with Options (for simulation), Configure vertical, Configure Horizontal (sample rate=100MSPS, rec length=1000, num of records=1, ref positon=0), Configure trigger (edge, level=0.1, source Ch0 (for simulation purpose)), Initiate Acquisition, Multi Fetch WDT (num samples=1000).
Please tell whether I have to put Initiate Acquisition, Multi Fetch WDT Vis in while loop or only Multi Fetch WDT in while loop so that I can fetch all the data on each trigger.

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Message 5 of 7

I believe the example "niScope EX Multi Record Fetch More Than Available Memory.vi" from the LabVIEW Example Finder is exactly what you are looking for.  



Systems Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

Thanks Mr. Nathan. I will come back after going through the suggested example.


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Message 7 of 7