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LV forum - cannot attach files from firefox

It drives me crazy that I cannot upload files to my post if I use Firefox. It is really annoying when I have to open an explorer or Chrome window just because the LabVIEW forum is not able to handle file uploads via Firefox. Does someone know why we have this issue with the discussion forum? And when they fix it (this was the case at least in the last several years as I remember)

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Message 1 of 4

Well, the question (besides the fact that this is no LV related question and hence in the wrong forum section!) is:

Are you able to attach only specific file extensions or are you unable to attach any file?


If the later is the fact, i would expect your firefox to e.g. suppress the attachment selection dialog (popup blocker?).

If you get the dialog, but cannot attach specific file extenstion (e.g. .vi, .ctl, ...) this is something i encounter myself. The way to circumvent this is to put the files into a ZIP as i can attach .zip-files using firefox.....



CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4



I think your firefox has other settings problem, as I am able to upload and attach file also from Firefox.

You can see my Test post which I did from Monzilla Firefox 21.0 version

Vinal Gandhi, CLA
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

sorry about posting to the wrong section, is there a forum for the "forum problems"? 🙂

I have the newest version of Mozilla (35.0.1), and I can operate the pop-up window, the forum just gives a non-sense error when I try to upload it, like "wrong file type" or something similar. Yep, maybe if I pack it into zip it could work (additional work to pack into zip), but it is still annoying. I thought someone can give me an explanation what is wrong. But as you say, you have the same error, you cannot attach VI files, it is a bit silly, isnt it?

Hm, I think the best will be just using Chrome only for the LV forum.

Anyway, thanks for info!


edit: yep, I was not aware of the below forum section, sorry! 🙂


And I just found my problem hurts many others too:


edit2: please, an admin could move this post to the right section? thanks!

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Message 4 of 4