Distributed Control & Automation Framework (DCAF)

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UI Reference configuration error with arrays of doubles

Found an error I can't find an explaination for using array of doubles. have been able to replicate this using a simple example with a DCAF basic execution engine with just the UI reference module running.


I am using the latest version as posted on github.

The example code the temp controller example doesnt use arrays, though i will see if i can replicate the problem there

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I found the issue. UI Reference runtime.lvclass:data type matches (not strict).vi

the Array case has in internal case to match items and make sure type matches.

Has the following cases:

"Invalid type", Default

"I8", "Extended Complex with Unit", "Timestamp"


In runtime the invalid type case would be selected.

I solved the issue by adding a case for "Double Float". I believe this has to do with using Labview 2015 sp1 as the vi's used to check type are depreciated and likely have different results on older versions


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