Digital I/O

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NI USB-6210 Monitoring Digital input


I am trying to monitor voltage levels of slipring assembly in a stepper motor using USB-6210 with Labview.

Currently I have 4 voltage probes connected to the digital Inputs (PFI0,PFI1,PFI2,PFI3) of USB- 6210. I am trying to monitor all 4 inputs, plot and compare the results.

Please let me know if anybody can help me with the Labview program. I am not sure how to read these inputs from NI USB-6210 device.


Thanks in advance,


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Message 1 of 3
Have you tried anything at all? There are numerous examples that come with LabVIEW.
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Message 2 of 3

I have tried using NI-DAQmx function. But not quite sure how to get it working. I am able to communicate with the USB device but haven't got to a point where I can monitor inputs. Would be able to point me to any simple example ?




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