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Looking for a solution to resolve an error (-1074118624)



I'm getting the following error while running DIO data generation and acquisition:

-1074118624: niHSDIO Fetch Waveform (1D U32).vi<ERR>Driver Status: (Hex 0xBFFA4020) Some or all of the
samples requested have not yet been acquired.
To wait for the samples to become available, use a longer read timeout or read later in your program. If
your session uses a trigger, make sure that your trigger is configured correctly.


generation session is using two DIO cards (PXI 6551 and PXI6542) and acquisition session is using only one DIO card (PXI 6551)


Does anyone know how to resolve this error?


Thank you,

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Message 1 of 3

Hi kunmok,


This error occurs when the cofigured timeout happens before the number of samples you have requested are available on the onboard memory of the device.  To resolve this error, use a longer value for the Max Time input or configure the records to be of smaller size.  Also make sure your trigger settings are correct. 

Josh B
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

Hi josh,


I have the same problem, but not for the same use.

I'm using ni-HSDIO express in labview 2013 (64bits) in order to generate a digital waveform and to acquire it (via PXI-6548) and so we can know how long it takes to the signal to pass.

But I have this error, I try decreasing the number of samples (even put 1 sample) but it doesn't change, so I try changing the trigger setup but I try everything was in my mind and still got nothing. So if you or someone can help me, I'll be delighted.

Thanks in advance




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