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band cursor min max avg values

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Is there a way of isolating statistical quantities of a data set (specifically looking for minimum maximum and average) via the band cursor and display those values WITHIN the view window of DIAdem 2011 (ie without flagging the data, making a copy of it, and then running the analysis)? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

Hi dc13,


See if your version of DIAdem has the example "Dynamic Display of Statistical Characteristic Values in DIAdem VIEW".  It sounds like exactly what you're asking for.  The example released first with DIAdem 11.0.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

Hi Brad,


That is almost exactly what I am looking for. However I do need to modify it a bit for my use. Thanks for the help.

As I am modifying I notice it will suit my needs almost 100%. However, I want the script to initialize for a data set I have in the data portal. I have tried numerous different configurations of path variable, but have been unsuccessful. Any insight into how I might achieve this?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

Hi dc13,


Do you want to look at the statistical values of one curve or of multiple curves/channels?


What do you do next with those statistical values?  Display them in a REPORT?  Save them back to disk with the data?  Copy and paste them to Excel or Notepad?


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9
Accepted by topic author dc13

Hi Brad,


I actually called technical support and got my issue resolved. Thank you for guiding me to this example though. It was extremely helpful.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

Hello dc13,


Could you post your solution? I would like to konw how to do this as well. 

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9

Hi Damian,


See if your version of DIAdem has the example "Dynamic Display of Statistical Characteristic Values in DIAdem VIEW".  It's a really nice example you can use on your own data sets.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

Message 7 of 9



I wanted to follow up with you. That works great. Thanks for the suggestion. diadem cursor stats.PNG

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

Thank you for your help. I post this to save others time in finding the script.

@ Damian_S: Your screenshot isn't helping - I don't get what you want to show (except success) 🙂


I was looking for the example, and had to search for it quite a while:



cause I got the German version of Diadem it is called "Dynamische Anzeige statistischer Kennwerte in DIAdem-VIEW" (index->Examples->"create scripts"(?)->"user dialogues"(?, = first sub-section)". You may search for "VIEW_Statistic".




' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Name         : ---
' Author       : National Instruments Ireland Resources Limited
' Comment      : ---                                                  
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Option Explicit

If Not ItemInfoGet("sPathDocuments") Then
  Call GlobalDim("sPathDocuments")
  Call GlobalDim("sPathData")
End If
sPathData      = ProgramDrv & "Examples\Data\"
sPathDocuments = ProgramDrv & "Examples\Documents\"

if not BarManager.ActionObjs.Exists( "VIEWStatisticActionObj") then
  ' Include function to copy ICO files
  call ScriptInclude(sPathDocuments & "REPORT_Library")
  ' Register cursor Event procedures
  call ScriptCmdAdd(CurrentScriptPath & "VIEW_Statistic_UserCMD.VBS")

  ' - ########## - 
  call PrepareViewOnlyForDemo
  ' - ########## - 

  call CheckAndCopyIconFiles(sPathDocuments)
  call Init_VIEWStatisticSymbolExtensions
  Call WndShow("VIEW","MAXIMIZE")

  call msgbox("Stellen Sie in einem 2D-Achsensystem eine Kurve dar, wählen Sie einen Band-Cursor und aktivieren Sie über das neue Befehlssymbol die Statistik-Funktion.")
end if

sub PrepareViewOnlyForDemo
  dim sDataPath, oArea
  sDataPath = ProgramDrv & "Examples\Data\"
  call Data.Root.Clear
  call DataFileLoad(sDataPath & "Example_data.tdm", "TDM", "Load|ChnXYRelation")
  call View.NewLayout
  set oArea = View.ActiveSheet.Areas(1)
  oArea.DisplayObjType = "CurveChart2D"
  call oArea.DisplayObj.Curves2D.Add("", "[2]/[1]")
end sub

sub Init_VIEWStatisticSymbolExtensions
  Dim sIconName, sToolTip, sCommand, oVIEWStatisticBar

  set oVIEWStatisticBar = CreateActionObjBar
  ' Insert separator and Shut-Down-Command for VIEW
  if not BarManager.Bars("VIEWMain").UsedActionObjs.Exists(oVIEWStatisticBar) then
    call BarManager.Bars("VIEWMain").UsedActionObjs.Add("Separator")
    call BarManager.Bars("VIEWMain").UsedActionObjs.Add(oVIEWStatisticBar)
  end if    
end sub  
' Create new action object -----------------------------------------------------
function CreateActionObjBar
  dim oActionObj, sVIEWStatisticActionObjID, sVIEWStatisticBarID, oToolBar
  Dim sIconName, sToolTip, sCommand, oVIEWStatisticBar
  sVIEWStatisticBarID       = "VIEWStatisticBar"
  sVIEWStatisticActionObjID = "VIEWStatisticActionObj"

  if not BarManager.Bars.Exists(sVIEWStatisticBarID) then 
    set oToolBar = BarManager.Bars.Add(sVIEWStatisticBarID)
    set oToolBar = BarManager.Bars.Item(sVIEWStatisticBarID)
  end if

  if (BarManager.ActionObjs.Exists(sVIEWStatisticActionObjID)) then
    set oActionObj = BarManager.ActionObjs(sVIEWStatisticActionObjID)
    set oActionObj = BarManager.ActionObjs.Add(sVIEWStatisticActionObjID, "CustomPopup")
    oActionObj.Picture = "DIAdemVIEWStatistic.ico"  
    oActionObj.Tooltip = "VIEW-Statistik"
    oActionObj.BarID = oToolBar.ID

  end if
  sIconName = "DIAdemVIEWStatistic.ico"
  sToolTip  = "VIEW-Statistik aktivieren"
  sCommand  = "call ItemInfoGet(""ProcessVIEW_Statistic"") : if ItemInfoType <> ""ScriptCommand"" then " & _
              "call ScriptCmdAdd(ProgramDrv & ""Examples\Documents\"" & ""VIEW_Statistic_UserCMD.VBS"") end if : " & _
              "call ScriptStart(""" & sPathDocuments & "VIEW_Statistic_Init"", ""VIEW_Statistic_Initialize"")"
  'sCommand  = "Call ScriptStart(""" & sPathDocuments & "VIEW_Statistic_Init"", ""VIEW_Statistic_Initialize"")"
  call CreateActionButton("DIAdemVIEWStatistic", sIconName, sToolTip, sCommand, oToolBar)
  sIconName = "expl_Delete.ico"
  sToolTip  = "VIEW-Statistik aktivieren und Befehlssymbol löschen"
  sCommand  = "Call ScriptStart(""" & sPathDocuments & "VIEW_Statistic_Init"", ""VIEW_StatisticBarRemove"")"
  call CreateActionButton("DIAdemVIEWStatisticReset", sIconName, sToolTip, sCommand, oToolBar)
  set CreateActionObjBar = oActionObj
end function

' New ActionButtonObject 
' sID       : Unique ID for new button
' sIconName : Icon that is displayed
' sToolTip  : Note to be displayed
' sCommand  : Command to be executed
sub CreateActionButton(sUniqueButton_ID, sIconName, sToolTip, sCommand, oToolBar)
  dim oButtonObj, bActionObjExists

  if (BarManager.ActionObjs.Exists(sUniqueButton_ID)) then
    set oButtonObj = BarManager.ActionObjs(sUniqueButton_ID)
    bActionObjExists = true
    set oButtonObj = BarManager.ActionObjs.Add(sUniqueButton_ID, "CustomButton")
    bActionObjExists = false
  end if
  oButtonObj.Picture = sIconName
  oButtonObj.Tooltip = sToolTip
  oButtonObj.OnClickCode.Code = sCommand
  if not bActionObjExists then
  end if
end sub

sub VIEW_StatisticBarRemove
  if BarManager.ActionObjs.Exists("VIEWStatisticActionObj") then 
    call BarManager.ActionObjs.Remove("VIEWStatisticActionObj")
  end if
  if BarManager.ActionObjs.Exists("DIAdemVIEWStatistic") then 
    call BarManager.ActionObjs.Remove("DIAdemVIEWStatistic")
  end if
  if BarManager.ActionObjs.Exists("DIAdemVIEWStatisticReset") then 
    call BarManager.ActionObjs.Remove("DIAdemVIEWStatisticReset")
  end if
  if not SudNonModalDlgLst("Result_Dlg") Is Nothing then
    call SudNonModalDlgLst("Result_Dlg").Cancel
  end if
end sub


sub VIEW_Statistic_Initialize
  dim sPathDocuments
  Dim oSUDPara, iErrNo, sErrText
  sPathDocuments = CurrentScriptPath
  ' Prepare statistics functions
  call InitStatistic
  ' Prepare SUD dialog info texts
  Call InitSUDParameter(oSUDPara)
  ' Select statistical characteristic values
  if SUDDlgShow("VIEW_Statistic_Dlg",CurrentScriptPath & "VIEW_Statistic.SUD", oSUDPara) = "IDOk" then
    ' Create VIEW layout
    call CheckVIEWLayout(oSUDPara, iErrNo)
    if iErrNo = 0 then
      ' Activate event
      call AddUserCommandToEvent("View.Events.OnCursorChanged", "ProcessVIEW_Statistic")
      'View.Events.OnActiveSheetChanged = ""
      ' Open, initialize, and start non-modal dialog box
      Dim oMySUD
      if SudNonModalDlgLst("Result_Dlg") Is Nothing Then 
        'Dialog not yet created
        set oMySUD = SUDDlgCreate("Result_Dlg",CurrentScriptPath & "VIEW_Statistic.SUD")
        'Dialog already created
        Set oMySUD = SudNonModalDlgLst("Result_Dlg")
      End If
      call InitNonModalDlg(oMySUD, oSUDPara)
      ' Initialize non-modal SUD dialog box
      Dim oMyCurve, xStart, xEnd, X1_Val, X2_Val, XMean_Val
      Set oMyCurve = view.ActiveSheet.ActiveArea.DisplayObj.Curves2D.LeadingCurve
      dim sFormatX
      call GetStartEndPos(xStart, xEnd, X1_Val, X2_Val, XMean_Val, sFormatX)
      Call CalcStatisticValues(oMyCurve.YChannelName, xStart, xEnd, X1_Val, X2_Val, XMean_Val, sFormatX)
      ' Activate event
      call AddUserCommandToEvent("DIAdem.OnPanelChanged", "IfPanelChangedCloseSUD")
      select case iErrNo
        case 1 sErrText = "Es muss ein 2D-Achsensystem eingestellt sein." 
        case 2 sErrText = "Es müssen Kanäle eingetragen sein."
      end select
      msgbox sErrText & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
            "Nach Anpassung bitte die Funktion neu starten."
    end if
    call msgbox("Sie haben den Dialog abgebrochen. DIAdem beendet das Script.")
  end if
end sub

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Activate VIEW and create layout ---------------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub CheckVIEWLayout(oSUDParameter, iErrorNo)
  Dim dXPos1, dXPos2, oCurrSheet, oCurrArea
  iErrorNo = 0 ' VIEW is OK
  ' Activate VIEW and define layout
  Call WndShow("VIEW","SHOW")

  set oCurrSheet = View.ActiveSheet
  set oCurrArea = oCurrSheet.ActiveArea
  if oCurrArea.DisplayObjType = "CurveChart2D" then

    oCurrSheet.Cursor.Type = "Band"
    oCurrSheet.Cursor.Mode = "GraphPoints"
    if oCurrArea.DisplayObj.Curves2D.Count > 0 then
      Call View.Refresh()
      oCurrArea.DisplayObj.DoubleBuffered = true
      iErrorNo = 2 ' no channel assigned
    end if
    iErrorNo = 1 ' wrong display type
  end if
end sub

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Initialize statistics parameters ------------------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub InitStatistic
  StatSel(1)       ="No"   '  Current number 
  StatSel(2)       ="No"   '  Measured valeu sum 
  StatSel(3)       ="No"   '  Measured value square sum 
  StatSel(4)       ="Yes"  '  Minimum value
  StatSel(5)       ="Yes"  '  Maximum value
  StatSel(6)       ="Yes"  '  Arithmetic mean
  StatSel(7)       ="No"   '  Quadratic mean 
  StatSel(8)       ="No"   '  Geometric mean 
  StatSel(9)       ="No"   '  Harmonic mean 
  StatSel(10)      ="No"   '  0.25 quantile (lower quartile)
  StatSel(11)      ="No"   '  0.50 quantile (median) 
  StatSel(12)      ="No"   '  0.75 quantile (upper quartile) 
  StatSel(13)      ="No"   '  Range 
  StatSel(14)      ="No"   '  Standard deviation
  StatSel(15)      ="No"   '  Variance 
  StatSel(16)      ="No"   '  Variation coefficient 
  StatSel(17)      ="No"   '  Quartile distance 
  StatSel(18)      ="No"   '  Relative variation coefficient 
  StatSel(19)      ="No"   '  Average absolute deviation from mean   
  StatSel(20)      ="No"   '  Averge absolute deviation from median  
  StatSel(21)      ="No"   '  Skewness 
  StatSel(22)      ="No"   '  Kurtosis 
  StatSel(23)      ="No"   '  Standard error 
end sub

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Define message text for SUD -------------------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub InitSUDParameter(ByRef oSUDParameter)

  set oSUDParameter = New cSUDParaClass
  oSUDParameter.sXChn = ""
  oSUDParameter.sYChn = ""

  oSUDParameter.sMsgTextArray(0) = "Es muss mindestens eine statistische Funktion ausgewählt werden."
  oSUDParameter.sMsgTextArray(1) = "Es muss ein X-Kanal und ein Y-Kanal ausgewählt werden."
End Sub

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Class for script and SUD data exchange -----------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class cSUDParaClass
  Dim sXChn, sYChn, sMsgTextArray(2)
end Class

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Preparations for non-modal SUD dialog box --------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub InitNonModalDlg(oMySUD, oSUD)
  Dim iIdx, iCount
  iCount = 0
  iIdx = 1
  oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "Kanal: " & oSUD.sYChn

  iIdx = iIdx + 1
  if StatSel( 2) = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "Messwertsumme: " : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1
  if StatSel( 3) = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "Messwertquadratsumme: " : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1
  if StatSel( 4) = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "Minimalwert: " : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1
  if StatSel( 5) = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "Maximalwert: " : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1
  if StatSel( 6) = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "Arithmetisches Mittel: " : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1
  if StatSel( 7) = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "Quadratisches Mittel: " : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1
  if StatSel(  = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "Geometrisches Mittel: " : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1
  if StatSel( 9) = "Yes" Then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "Harmonisches Mittel: " : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1

  if StatSel(10) = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "0.25-Quantil: " : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1
  if StatSel(11) = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "0.50-Quantil: " : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1
  if StatSel(12) = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "0.75-Quantil: " : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1

  if StatSel(13) = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "Spannweite: " : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1
  if StatSel(14) = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "Standardabweichung: " : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1
  if StatSel(15) = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "Varianz: " : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1
  if StatSel(16) = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "Variationskoeffizient: " : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1
  if StatSel(17) = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "Quartilabstand: " : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1
  if StatSel(18) = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "Relativer Variationskoeffizient:" : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1
  if StatSel(19) = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "Mittl. abs. Abw. vom Mittelwert:" : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1
  if StatSel(20) = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "Mittl. abs. Abw. vom Median: " : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1

  if StatSel(21) = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "Schiefe: " : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1
  If StatSel(22) = "Yes" then oMySUD.Controls(iIdx).Text = "Wölbung: " : iIdx = iIdx + 2 : iCount = iCount + 1

  oMySUD.Controls("tXStartText").Text = "Beginn: "
  oMySUD.Controls("tXStopText").Text = "Ende: "
  oMySUD.Controls("tXMeanText").Text = "Mittelwert: "

  oMySUD.Height = 52 + (iCount + 1) * 10 
  oMySUD.MinHeight = oMySUD.Height
  oMySUD.Controls("Frame2").Height = oMySUD.Height - oMySUD.Controls("Frame2").Top - 2

  dim iLoop
  for iLoop = 1 to iCount
    oMySUD.Controls("Text" & str(2 * iLoop - 1)).Visible = true
    oMySUD.Controls("Text" & str(2 * iLoop)).Visible = true
End sub




0 Kudos
Message 9 of 9