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Using the TDMS C DLL API

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Please try the following,



It is a small tool that list the dependencies of your application.

After opening the exe in the depends.exe go to the menu

Profile->Start Profiling (F7)


The dependency walker will show missing dlls while running your application.

I could assume that you did not run the MS redist package.

So the Visual Studio runtime is missing.

You can validate this by opening the usiex.dll in the dependency walker

and check if some msvc...dll are missing.

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 18

Dear AndreasK,


thank you for the help.

I have passed through that problem, but I have a new.


I am using VS 2010 C++. Win7 Enterprise.


I keep on getting the error -6204.


Any ideas why?


Thank you


0 Kudos
Message 12 of 18

Hello Bile,


the number tells nothing 😞

Can you describe when the error shows up or post some example code/file?




0 Kudos
Message 13 of 18



the error was on my side.


I was calling the tdms dll, but apparently the path was not set as a system path.

So, VS did not complain, but my dll did.


Thanks for the help and support


0 Kudos
Message 14 of 18

Hi Bile,

here are the codes and their meaning... 

0 | DDC_NoError | No error
-6201 | DDC_ErrorBegin
-6201 | DDC_OutOfMemory | The library could not allocate memory.
-6202 | DDC_InvalidArgument | An invalid argument was passed to the library.
-6203 | DDC_InvalidDataType | An invalid data type was passed to the library.
-6204 | DDC_UnexpectedError | An unexpected error occurred in the library.
-6205 | DDC_UsiCouldNotBeLoaded | The USI engine could not be loaded.
-6206 | DDC_InvalidFileHandle | An invalid file handle was passed to the library.
-6207 | DDC_InvalidChannelGroupHandle | An invalid channel group handle was passed to the library.
-6208 | DDC_InvalidChannelHandle | An invalid channel handle was passed to the library.
-6209 | DDC_FileDoesNotExist | The file passed to the library does not exist.
-6210 | DDC_CannotWriteToReadOnlyFile | The file passed to the library is read only and cannot be modified.
-6211 | DDC_StorageCouldNotBeOpened | The storage could not be opened.
-6212 | DDC_FileAlreadyExists | The file passed to the library already exists and cannot be created.
-6213 | DDC_PropertyDoesNotExist | The property passed to the library does not exist.
-6214 | DDC_PropertyDoesNotContainData | The property passed to the library does not have a value.
-6215 | DDC_PropertyIsNotAScalar | The value of the property passed to the library is an array and not a scalar.
-6216 | DDC_DataObjectTypeNotFound | The object type passed to the library does not exist.
-6217 | DDC_NotImplemented | The current implementation does not support this operation.
-6218 | DDC_CouldNotSaveFile | The file could not be saved.
-6219 | DDC_MaximumNumberOfDataValuesExceeded | The request would exceed the maximum number of data values for a channel.
-6220 | DDC_InvalidChannelName | An invalid channel name was passed to the library.
-6221 | DDC_DuplicateChannelName | The channel group already contains a channel with this name.
-6222 | DDC_DataTypeNotSupported | The current implementation does not support this data type.
-6224 | DDC_FileAccessDenied | File access denied.
-6225 | DDC_InvalidTimeValue | The specified time value is invalid.
-6226 | DDC_ReplaceNotSupportedForSavedTDMSData | The replace operation is not supported on data that has already been saved to a TDM Streaming file.
-6227 | DDC_PropertyDataTypeMismatch | The data type of the property does not match the expected data type.
-6228 | DDC_ChannelDataTypeMismatch | The data type of the channel does not match the expected data type.
-6228 | DDC_ErrorEnd

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 18

Hello there,

1. I would like to know whether there is a updated version of this DLL library.

2. I met issues that the program runs very slow.

     The work flow as following:

        Step 1: Read CSV file with wifstream.

        Step 2: Write TDM file with TDM Dll(nilibddc.dll) with read data.

     Work very well till now.


     If I repeat the upper work flow the reading CSV file speed is very very slow.

Could you please propose solution?



0 Kudos
Message 16 of 18

If you want to read CSV files think about using a dataplugin instead. Maybe you do not need to convert at all.


The Write performance of the TDM C dll is better if data is written channelwise instead of appending values a single value to a bunch of channels clockwise.

It might be useful to collect a bunch of values in memory before appending them.



0 Kudos
Message 17 of 18

Hi, AndreasK,

Thanks for your response.

My CSV file has a very special format which is the reason I create this converter.

The data plugin is not able to handle this issue.


I do use TDM C dll.

My problem is that the reading CSV file speed is very slow after the first times writing into TDM file.

If I write out the same format of CSV there is no any issue.



0 Kudos
Message 18 of 18