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Large File Save

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I ran your file with a 430MB file and these are the returned load and save times.


This save time is a lot faster than my original method but as you can see it still takes over half an hour.

Here's some further information.

DIAdem: 14.0.1Service Pack (32-bit)

USI: 14.0.2


As for the File information, the channel number and length varies from file to file. Usually there are anywhere from 10 to 30 channels. 

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Message 11 of 19

I tried to reproduce locally with a NAS and watching your numbers I strongly

believe that it is related to the up and downstream of your datashare connection.


20000 kbit/s
 1390 kbit/s


Be aware that I slightly changed the example because the

DataFileMove method works different than I expected.


I tried to create an script to reproduce.

In my system with a NAS and a 400MB file.


Channels: 30
Size    : 400,02 MB
Save    : 14,9813 s
Load    : 13,1988 s

Option Explicit  'Forces the explicit declaration of all the variables in a script.

dim targetPath : targetPath = "\\\public\out.tdms"

dim filesizeinmb : filesizeinmb = 400
dim nrOfChannels : nrOfChannels = 30

dim nrOfValues : nrOfValues = filesizeinmb * 1024 * 1024 / 8
dim chLength : chLength = CLng(nrOfValues / nrOfChannels)

MsgLineDisp "Generate data"
dim grp : set grp = data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add("group")
dim i : for i = 1 to nrOfChannels
  loopinc  i * 100/nrOfChannels
  Call ChnGeoGen("/ch" & i,i,i*100,chLength,"")

MsgLineDisp "Delete fie if already exists"
if FileExist(targetPath) then
  DataFileDelete targetPath
end if

MsgLineDisp "Save to target file"
stopwatchreset 1
SaveTdmsLocalAndMove targetPath
dim dT1 : dT1 = stopwatch(1)

dim realFileSizeInMb : realFileSizeInMb = DataFileSize(targetPath)/1024/1024

MsgLineDisp "Load file"
stopwatchreset 1
LoadTdmsFileImediately targetPath
dim dT2 : dT2 = stopwatch(1)

if FileExist(targetPath) then
  DataFileDelete targetPath
end if

MsgBox "Channels: " & nrOfChannels & VBCRLF &_
       "Size    : " & FormatNumber(realFileSizeInMb,2) & " MB" & VBCRLF &_
       "Save    : " & FormatNumber(dT1, 4) & " s" & VBCRLF &_
       "Load    : " & FormatNumber(dT2, 4) & " s"

sub SaveTdmsLocalAndMove(byVal targetPath)

  dim fileType : fileType = UCase(right(targetPath, len(targetPath) - instrRev(targetPath, ".")))
  dim targetPathStr : targetPathStr = left(targetPath, instrRev(targetPath, "\"))
  dim targetFileName : targetFileName = right(targetPath, len(targetPath) - instrRev(targetPath, "\"))

  dim tmpTargetPath : tmpTargetPath = TmpDrv & targetFileName
  call DataFileSave(tmpTargetPath, fileType)
  call DataFileMove(tmpTargetPath, targetPathStr)
end sub

function LoadTdmsFileImediately(byval srcFile)

  dim oldBulkDataLoadingMode : oldBulkDataLoadingMode = BulkDataLoadingMode
  BulkDataLoadingMode   = eBulkDataLoadingImmediately
  on error resume next
  DataFileLoad srcFile
  LoadTdmsFileImediately = err.number
  on error goto 0
  BulkDataLoadingMode = oldBulkDataLoadingMode

end function
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Message 12 of 19

Running that exact code here are my reults,


If I am correct this would imply that my issues are related to the up and downstream of the connection.

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 19

It is hard to believe that you can save 400MB in 1.6 s

to a network share. So I am not sure what we are seeing here.

The read througput looks like 100 mbit/s network.


Would it be possible to share one of the tdms files.

Maybe upload it zipped to ftp://ftp.ni.com/incoming/


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Message 14 of 19

The 1,654s is 28 mins for the 400 MB file. I'm using american notation for my , and . in the numbers. sorry if there's any confustion there. 

Also unfortunately I can't share the data due to company policies.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 19

Yes the number imply that the saving time is just related to the upstream.

The DataFileMove method uses basic Windows functionallity.

So copy the file with Explorer should use the same amount of time.


What changes do apply to the file?

  • Adding properties
  • Channels
  • Changing values
  • do the tdms_index files exist on your share
0 Kudos
Message 16 of 19

All I do in this step is changing the existing file name. However in the future it will be adding channels, properties, etc. for data analysis.

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 19

Rename can be done using


potentially without having to move the file completely.


If you just want to edit/add properties.


might help you without having to read the file completely.


But if it comes to add new channels ... you have to move the file and writing will be slow.

Message 18 of 19

ok, thank you so much for all of your help!

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Message 19 of 19