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How to sort multiple data channels into a single channel

Hi.  I'm relatively new to DIAdem and have limited scripting skills.  I can't figure out how to do this either by a DIAdem function or by a script...

I have multiple time channels, each offset by a fraction from the other time channels.  Each time channel has a corresponding Y-value channel.  I want to merge the x-y pairs into a single x (time) channel, sorted, and a single y channel.  So for example, the original data is:

Channel 1: t0, t1, t2, t3,...

Channel 2: y0, y1, y2, y3,...

Channel 3: t0+0.1, t1+0.1, t2+0.1, t3+0.1,...

Channel 4: z0, z1, z2, z3,...

Channel 5: t0+0.2, t1+0.2, t2+0.2, t3+0.2,...

Channel 6: p0, p1, p2, p3,...


I want these merged into:

Channel 1: t0, t0+0.1, t0+0.2,...,t1, t1+0.1, t1+0.2,...,t2, t2+0.1, t2+0.2,..., t3, t3+0.1, t3+0.2,...

Channel 2: y0, z0, p0,..., y1, z1, p1,..., y2, z2, p2,..., y3, z3, p3,...


Can anyone guide me as to how I can most easily to this?



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Message 1 of 4

The code below gives you the desired result for the time channel. It can be modified to do the same for the y channels. Without knowing exactly how many channels of each, and how your Data Portal is setup, it's hard to create a script that will automatically adjust for the number of channels. It would be easiest if you had the time channels in one group. the y channels in another and a third group for the merged channels. If you're okay with that let me know and I can adjust.


Dim ChnMax
ChnMax = 9 '-- Enter the length of the merged channel here

Call ChnOffset("[1]/Channel 1","[1]/Channel 3",0.1,"free offset")
Call ChnOffset("[1]/Channel 1","[1]/Channel 5",0.2,"free offset")

Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels.Add("Channel 1 Merge",DataTypeFloat64,1)
Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels("Channel 1 Merge").Properties.Add("Length",ChnMax)

Dim iLoop, i
i = 1
For iLoop = 1 to ChnMax / 3
	CHV(i, "[1]/Channel 1 Merge") = CHV(iLoop, "[1]/Channel 1")
	CHV(i+1, "[1]/Channel 1 Merge") = CHV(iLoop, "[1]/Channel 3")
	CHV(i+2, "[1]/Channel 1 Merge") = CHV(iLoop, "[1]/Channel 5")
	i = i + 3


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Message 2 of 4

The script below will work with any number of channels if all your time channels are in group 1, and all your y channels are in group 2 (in the correct order). It will create a third group with the merged channels. If you aren't in need of creating the time channels, delete lines 1-3. I can upload a sample TDM if you want to see how it works.


'-- Create Offset Time Channels
Call ChnOffset("[1]/Channel 1","[1]/Channel 3",0.1,"free offset")
Call ChnOffset("[1]/Channel 1","[1]/Channel 5",0.2,"free offset")

'-- Create Merged Channels
Dim ChnMax
ChnMax = ChnLength("[1]/[1]") * GroupChnCount(1)
Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add("Merged", 3)
Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups(3).Channels.Add("Channel 1",DataTypeFloat64,1)
Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups(3).Channels("Channel 1").Properties.Add("Length",ChnMax)
Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups(3).Channels.Add("Channel 2",DataTypeFloat64,2)
Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups(3).Channels("Channel 2").Properties.Add("Length",ChnMax)

'-- Build Merged Channels
Dim i, iLoop, iLoopC
i = 1
	For iLoopC = 1 to GroupChnCount(1)
		For iLoop = 1 to ChnLength("[1]/[1]")
			CHV(i, "[3]/Channel 1") = CHV(iLoop, "[1]/["&iLoopC&"]")
			CHV(i, "[3]/Channel 2") = CHV(iLoop, "[2]/["&iLoopC&"]")
			i = i + 3
		i = iLoopC + 1
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Thanks, everyone.  A coworker of mine came up with a simple solution using ChnConcat and ChnMultipleSort !

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Message 4 of 4