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Diadem Error: Cannot Store Complete Internal Data

Ok, one more thing.  I made a video of the load process, so you can watch the system resources as the data is loaded.  It's time compressed, so it only takes a few seconds rather than minutes. 



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Message 11 of 22

Hi Mr. Spark,


can you please try to store the data in TDMS instead of TDM and see if the problem still exists.

Change line 53 in your script by replacing "TDM" by "TDMS" as last parameter of your DataFileSave call.




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Message 12 of 22

Stefan, I tried to save it as TDMS with no luck.  However, it does save as DAT file.  But I lose data if I save it this way. 

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Message 13 of 22

Hi Mr. Spark Plug,


We recently saw a similar issue when trying to resave data loaded from MDF file.  In that case the culprit was a collection of very long string channels.  When you try to save data back to TDM or TDMS, do you have any string channels in the Data Portal?  If so, how many, and how long are they?


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 14 of 22

Brad, I did have some string channels with length zero, I believe.  I was not intentionally recording them, it was something with INCA itself, so I just deleted any text channels or channels with length zero.  It worked for a couple mdf files, but I still had problem saving other files as TDM and I could not figure out why.


HOWEVER, Perry Seale provided me an updated MDF plugin.  The new dataplugin makes the header size smaller by changing the text channels to enum channels.  So far, I have only tested it on one previously un-saveable data set, and I can now save the TDM with the new plugin.  I have not tried it on other data sets yet.  I will let you know if I cannot save any others.  For now, I think we can assume this new plugin fixes things, or is at least a work around I can live with. 

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Message 15 of 22



So you and the "Previous issue" I mentioned above are one and the same.  You're in good hands with Perry.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

Message 16 of 22

Hi to everyone. I know this issue is old but I wanted to know which was the solution because it is happening to me a lot and I havent find the way to solve it.

Thank You

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Message 17 of 22

Hi marispaulies,


DIAdem 2014 introduced "assignment channels", which are a superset of enumeration channels.  The recommendation would be to load your very large text channels into DIAdem 2014, then use the new ANALYSIS functions to turn the text channels into assignment channels.  This will create a numeric channel with an "Assignments" channel property that stores the [number==>text] mappings.  Exporting the Assignment channel to TDM or TDMS will then not require the whole channel to be in memory, as numeric channels are stored in batches.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

Message 18 of 22

Hi to everyone,


Brad I did as you recommend using DIAdem 2014 but I still have the same error. I prove changing one of the Assignment channel to text --> Error, then removing the text channel created previously --> Error. After that, I load the data and without doing anything to it I tried to save the TDM --> Error.

I am using DIAdem 2014. And I am loading the data with the MDF3 dataplugin. Any other advice to solve this issue?


Thank you for your time and help



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Message 19 of 22

Hi marispaulies,


How much RAM do you have free in your computer when you run the DataFileSave() command?  How much RAM was DIAdem using right before you run the DataFileSave() command?  Have you tried including "TDM" as the second parameter in your DataFileSave() command?


Can you send us the MDF3 data file that causes this problem?


I'm not sure what's going wrong,

Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 20 of 22