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Call and Save Reports/Export to PDF using Dataplugin?

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My dataplugin is for various '.csv' files, and works perfectly when reading and loading the files. But, what would really be nice is if I could then somehow bring the data in those files into their appropriate report templates and then export that report as a '.pdf'.

So, I tried adding:

      Call DataFileLoad([Filepath],[Script]
      Call DataFileSave([Filepath], ".TDM","TDM")
      Call Report.LoadLayout([Report Path])
      Call Report.Sheets.ExportToPDF([Path to save .pdf] ,False)
      Call Report.Refresh
      Call Data.Root.Clear()


When I test the dataplugin by manually indexing a file, I receive the error: Variable is undefined: 'DataFileLoad'"

So, if it is reading it as a variable does that suggest that it does not recognize functions unless they are stated in the sub?

Is it possible to do what I would like it to do?



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Message 1 of 6
Accepted by topic author Kevin_McG

Hi Kevin,


Your VBScript DataPlugin can not call "red" DIAdem commands.  The VBScript host that the DataPlugin uses contains only the basic VBScript functions plus a few specific DataPlugin commands but none of the rest of the DIAdem commands.


You'll need to use a DIAdem VBScript to load the data file, load the layout, and save the PDF file.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 2 of 6

Do you know of any way to automate the calculations and reports? I have the script written, just need to make it so that no operator is required to just hit a button to make it run.


I have searched the forums and I only see reference to running a script on startup, which doesn't help.


Thank you for your help.



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Message 3 of 6
Accepted by topic author Kevin_McG

Hi Kevin,


DIAdem does not provide scheduling services, so some entity needs to tell DIAdem to start.  You can either manually set up a DIAdem to poll for files to pricess in an endless loop, or you can use the Windows Task Scheduler to launch a DIAdem instance periodically that automatically looks for files to process for a certain duration (after which it shuts itself down to avoid any potential long term memory leaks).


R&D is interested in improving our offering for this use case, but as of DIAdem 2014 we do not have anything new available.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Hi Brad,


could you please provide an example how to save the data if 

Call DataFileSave([Filepath], ".CSV","CSV")

doesn't work?


Thank you very much!

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Message 5 of 6

Hi Dsfgg,

You're going to have a lot more success getting responses by creating a new forum post, since this forum closed in 2014.

Whenever you do make a forum post, can you clarify what you mean by "doesn't work"? Are you seeing an error when running this code?

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Message 6 of 6