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I have a project where we have a fixed TDMS "schema" (layout and properties) which are used by a data server to import the files.

I have found that opening and saving the files in DIAdem causes any spaces to be replaced with underscores. From the perspective of my data server the file is now corrupt.


I would like DIAdem to support these spaces as they are clearly supported by the TDMS specification.



In the Data Portal of DIAdem all default properties are ordered as they are specified in the documentation. But when adding new custom properties to the root or anywhere else, these properties are ordered alphabetical. It would be great if there would be a possibility to let the custom properties appear as they are added to the list.





Hi all,

DIAdem could feature a new interactive function to be used to split one channel (let's say 1000 values long) in N channels (N=10) with the same length (100 values).

It is a very simple function but today with requires scripting in DIAdem using the Data API.

When managing time-related data it often happens to have the need to observe/analyze the data in constant time intervals.

Such an interactive function would provide an easier entry point in this kind of tasks. 


We've suggested this in person, but thought I'd finally post it to the site.

Despite it being called the Data Portal, we'd like to have the capability of docking DIAlogs of any purpose into the data portal as new tabs alongside 'Structure' and 'List' views.


Non Modal DIAlogs tend to cover some portion of the active window, so tend to get in the way and end up being closed and re-opened by the user despite our resizing and overlapping of the Data Portal.  Allowing docking into the Data Portal would allow for convenient sizing (REPORT/VIEW tabs are already re-sized around the data portal) and movement with the application from one screen to another.


The primary example of functionality advancement for us would be our 'Page Browser', which is much like the View/Report 'manage' function, but works for both, allows filtering on both, allows for convenient rearranging of sheets to any other position, and can remain up at all times so users can simply jump to or flip to sheets without re-opening the 'manage' function or slowly tabbing/scanning through all sheets.


Obviously, it's up to you to decide the implementation...having some sort of tab manager at the very top or bottom that switches the 'Data Portal' out entirely for a 'Sheet Portal' and other custom DIAlog options & names could also work, or some other implementation entirely, but as the other tab manager already exists (but only ever contains 2 tabs), I feel would likely be less of a massive UI overhaul.



When selecting a matrix structure set of channels for the z-matrix, DIAdem currently allows a user to select the first channel when the triplet channel radio button is chosen, and then locks that first entry as the first Z channel in the z-matrix.  When the user wants to select the last channel in the z-matrix, they then have to click the "..." box to the right of the greyed out box that has the first Z channel in the z-matrix displayed.  I was going to suggest that R&D work on the ability to chose channels that are not consecutively arranged within the data portal.  I feel it would be more intuitive to hold down CTRL and select the Z channels that make up the z-matrix.




Shawn S.