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Monthly Bugs, August 2015

Continued from the July 2015 bug thread



 The posting rules are as always:


  • Each post here should only contain a brief description of a bug, together with a link to the thread where it is being discussed.
  • One post/bug!
  • One bug/post!
  • No discussion of bugs. All discussions of a bug must take place in the original linked thread.
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Message 1 of 5

CAR #540680, "Key Focus is Lost if a Front Panel Object Begins Blinking"


Because we needed more reasons not to use the Blinking property.

Matt J | National Instruments | CLA
Message 2 of 5

Compact RIO ( cRIO )/ LabVIEW Event Handling Bug


If Value Signaled is set, the value changed event is triggered two times. Only happens in cRIO.


Discussed here:

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Message 3 of 5

Before posting something into the bug thread, be sure what you are posting is confirmed, or at least generally agreed upon to be a bug.  You posted into this thread only minutes after you posted your original message.  Let the original thread have time to be read and a chance for people to try and confirm your bug.


Once you've had a couple people agree you have a bug, or even better, an NI employee agrees and has given it  a CAR#, then go ahead and post in this thread.

Message 4 of 5

August is over and this thread is now closed.


Reporting continues in the September 2015 bug thread.

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Message 5 of 5