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Emergency Stop Button

It was my first time on the site and I didn't know where to post my question.  I posted it here first, but then found the LabVIEW section and re-posted it there.  By the way, I don't think my boss is very good with electronical things, haha.  Problem solved though.  I figured out a way for the estop button to work, using a series of local variables in while loops and one button to activate them all no matter what is going on during the VI.
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Message 11 of 13
  1. Disable the Abort execution button
  2. Create your own emergency stop VI
  3. Create an event that listens to a 'Panel Close?' event ->call emergency stop VI
  4. Create an event that listens to a 'Application Close?' event ->call emergency stop VI
  5. Create a stop button with an event ->call emergency stop VI

Good luck.

If such a thing happens you should try to build an relays that has a timed delays fall off time of 1 second.

In your code you should try to get a VI that outputs an impuls of .25  seconds, this VI should be called every 500 ms.


Ton (try to write up what you don't like about the proposal of your boss, this makes sure you have backup if it goes wrong and you are held responsible, and it makes clear to your boss why you want this)

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Nederlandse LabVIEW user groep
My LabVIEW Ideas

LabVIEW, programming like it should be!
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Message 12 of 13
P.S. The repost.
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Message 13 of 13