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Data transfer to ECU using ADCS UDS command VIs fails but always passes if running performance and memory tool in parallel. Why ?


Thanks for taking a look at this issue.Smiley Happy I have encountered rather bizzare phenomenon while troubleshooting my applciation.


Here is what I am doing:

I am developing an application in LabVIEW to flash ECU (Engine control unit). I am using ADCS toolkit for my development and the end product will be an executable used in run time environment.


I have all the documents and procedure on how to flash the ECU and I am carefully following exact steps to do so. The data file that I am flashing contains some 300 frames divided in 4 blocks (not a uniform distribution). When it starts programming the ECU, my application fails randomly during transfer of data to ECU some between 0 and 300 frame. After CAN monitoring and checking CAN Logs I found that the while transferring the data CAN transmit jumps the frames and misses few in between. (ECU must have a CRC check that immediately flags the incorrect data sequence and breaks the communication.) 


So I started to debug my code and see if I am having any race conditions or not meeting any ECU specific requirement for programming. I increased timeout, no. of trials, delay and even tried to bring everything within same execution system by forcing it to use UI thread using references to upper level VIs but no luck, still keeps failing randomly.


BUT, if I run performance and memory tool with memory usage checked. It always transfers data successfully to the unit without fail.


What I dont understandSmiley Mad:

Is what is the performance tool doing that is fixing the problem ? And how can I replicate it within my application since I have to use it as executable where I will not have the help from performance and memory tool.


Any suggestions or ideas to try will be greatly appreciated.



Vicky Mahodaya



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Message 1 of 3

Hi Vicky,


what is your ADCS and LabVIEW Version?


Best regards,

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Message 2 of 3

Hi Gucky,


Here is the configuration:


ADCS Toolkit version: 1.2

LabVIEW: 13.0f2 (32-bit)

Windows 7 SP1: (64 bit)




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