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FREE Actor Template Generator for LabVIEW 2015

The Actor Template Generator is a tool for adding a runable (run "Initialize and") Actor Templates to your LabVIEW Project. After installing it, it can be found in the project explorer und Tool > Actor Template Generator. Every Template comes with a Message (Async I.lvclass) and a Reply Message (Sync IO.lvclass) which can be copied or extended by extending the "Selector 'Async I'.ctl" and "Selector 'Sync IO'.ctl" Enum and adding new Send VIs.

Furthermor you can add a state machine to "Actor" (Actor Core FSM) and a second state machine wich is implemented by "Task 'State Machine'.vi", "Task 'Async I'.vi" and "Task 'Sync IO'.vi"  (Actor Task FSM)

The Actor Core FSM is manly used when the "Actor" contains a user interface while the Actor Task FSM is manly used for Acors running without a user interface.

Actor Task FSM:

Add new States by expanding "State 'Actor Task'.ctl" and adding code to "Task 'State Machine'.vi".

Add new Inputs by expanding "Selector 'Async I'.ctl" and adding code to "Task 'Async I'.vi".

Add new combined In- and Outputs by expanding "Selector 'Sync IO'.ctl" and adding code to "Task 'Sync IO'.vi".

State Transitions can be implementet by calling "Enqueue".

Feel free to use this tool and save valueable time. I'm looking forward to your feedback and if there are any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
