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myRio digital IO simple question

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This is probably the simplest question you can get but I have a requirement to output from the digital output on the FPGA- say pin D0 on the B port. I use a switch for this and it works fine when I have a while loop with timer within it. When I remove the while loop and have the switch and digital out on its own it no longer works. Why does it need a while loop about it? the attached pic is when it works. Doesn't work then the while loop is removed.

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author tomnz

Hi tomnz,


What do you mean by "it no longer works"? The while loop allows the program to run continuously (while running, it will take any ouput commands you give via the boolean control), but otherwise the code will execute just once. 

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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author tomnz

ok. I hought it would continuously work on and off and not just once. Fair enough. I suppose that does correspond with ordinary LabView after all.

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Message 3 of 3