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myRio and first FPGA program

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I am looking for a very basic tutorial on programing the FPGA on the myRIO.  
Most of what I see does not go into the focused detail like your other 'getting 
started' tutorials using myRIO.  I want to create some digital logic (clock 
signals) and A/D function and I need more precise timing and higher speed than 
the RT system offers.

An alternative to a tutorial would be a simple FPGA program that starts with 
the 'myRIO Custom FPGA Project' (located in the 'LabVIEW myRIO 2013' start 
screen that outputs a 10khz square wave.  Once I see how that is done I think I 
can find my way to a solution.

Thank you!

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

Check through this:


It talks about creating waves with the RIO architecture.  It should be a good starting point.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

Thank you!  I'm sure the answers are there but I'm getting confused by the seemingly over wellming amout of information.  What I could use to get started is just a simple example of modifing the "myRio FPGA example" to output a simple clock signal on DIOx.


Thank you again!

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

If that's all you're looking for, you'd just have to add something like this to the example's FPGA VI diagram:


sqaure wave gen.png


If you're looking for help with things like this, the Example Finder (under help in LabVIEW) is a great place to start. There are quite a few FPGA Module examples that cover these things. Maybe start by searching for PWM (Pulse Width Modulation).


Message 4 of 8

Hi T-Rex,


Thank you for your help.  I built the loop as you showed and I get an error when I compile.  Can you explain what I am missing.




Labview Error.JPG

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

Try starting a program from scratch.  That error makes it sound like you've got more than just the loop they gave you.


Use just that loop and see if the error still exists.  Do you understand how the feedback node works to see what they put together?

Message 6 of 8

Yeah, that error just means that ConnectorA/DIO0 is in use somewhere else... which you don't want. You can change that IO constant to anything else in your application that is not in use, and it should work.


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8
Accepted by topic author FHC1234

Thank you nataftw and T-Rex for your time and patience!  I started a program from scratch and I launched my first FPGA program.  Now on to the less challenging step of building some code for my project!

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Message 8 of 8