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How do I get the global variables from the cRIO to transfer over and use them in Eclipse?

I'm working on a continuation project from last year at my school. The project is creating an autonomous underwater vehicle for AUVSI Foundation and NAVSEA Competition. The sub is to go through numerous tasks and judged upon its progress. The robosub of course runs on labview and I am fairly new to how labview works. I am trying to figure out a way to someone transfer the code in labVIEW and transfer it over to C language where I am more familiar with. In speaking with a past participant of the project he told me there is a way to get the global variables from the myRIO by knowing the IP address and once I have the global variables I can transfer those variables into eclipse and build a C program doing the same thing as if it was running in LabVIEW. Has anyone done anything like this before because I am more comfortable with C language? Attached I have the project files to the robosub that I am trying to transfer from LabVIEW to C language using eclipse.

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Hi LexPVAMU2016,


Are you trying to convert shared variables in a .lvlib file to a .dll? If so, the link below may be helpful.


Importing Functions from a Shared Library File:


If you want to convert the VIs to C than the NI LabVIEW C Generator may be helpful.


NI LabVIEW C Generator:


Best Regards,


Andy M.

Applications Engineer

National Instruments

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