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Generating Programming File Doesnt finish



I am using myRIO for a simple PID controller project. My compiler perform all th steps wihout any errors until it reaches the "Generating Programming File" step; where the progress bar would not move and nothing happens. I left it compiling for 24 hours, but still nothing, After I cancelled the compilation process, I saw in the summary that the compiler did 0:00 (compilation time) on this step.




Can you please help me with this issue?


Thanks and Regards,


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Message 1 of 4

Hi Anas, 


So am I understanding you correctly, that what you are trying to do is to compile an FPGA bitfile?


Are you using your own computer as compile server or are you useing a remote server/compile cloud? 



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Message 2 of 4

Hi Anton,


Thank you for your reply.


Yes that is correct, I am using my own computer as a compile server.



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Message 3 of 4

Okey, so can you make sure that the compile worker is running and functioning as expected?


Check that you have the correct software installed, you can check which software version you need here:


Also in the windows task manager, under the services tab, click the "services" button and check that the folowing services are running: "NI Application Web Server",  "NI Service Locator" and "NI System Web Server". 

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Message 4 of 4