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Enable single digital output of elvis through vi code

Hello there!

I made a code in VI to implement SPWM. After the results were found proper in labview, I tried to dump the output in NI Elvis II kit. I want to enable a digital output but there is an error in the code which goes as follows:-

"Specified read or write operation failed, because the number of lines in the data for a channel does not match the number of lines in the channel.
Number of Lines in Channel: 1
Number of Lines in Data: 16".

I want the output in the digital channel of ELVIS (not in the Analog channel). Please tell me if how to truncate the data obtained in the result to 1 bit. If possible, please let me know if there is any simpler method to implement SPWM through vi code using ELVIS II kit.

My vi file is attached at the bottom.

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Message 1 of 3

I have been able to obtain the output at the digital channel now. But a new problem has propped up. At low frequencies upto 10 Hz, my code outputs proper values. However as I increase the frequency, the output is either entirely 1 or entirely 0 for the whole period. Please help me troubleshoot. I am attaching the corresponding vi.

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Message 2 of 3

Waiting for solutions!

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Message 3 of 3